Friday, March 28, 2014

30/31 This is Another View Waterfall Repelling, This is a poem

The water pounds my face
As I grasp on to a rope
The rope holding me
The water is sweeping my legs
It gets harder and harder to
Walk down the giant waterfall
I peeked over at my sister
She seemed just and scared
As I did
I go further and further down
I glanced down and three people
Were there waiting for the others
Giving them slow and loud instructions
They were screaming over the roaring falls
That the others glided down,
I was getting close to the bottom
Where the water crashes into the ground
And slowly moving into the next
Waterfall bursting with energy
I have five more feet 
I was trying to get down
Without messing up.
This was my first time down
a waterfall and it was fun, but I'm not
done yet. The next waterfall was
getting set up by the leaders, and
everybody was antsy to do it
and two people start down the
waterfall, rushing wanting to be
the fastest but they don’t understand
that you have to savor the moment.


  1. That sounds like a mixture of exhilarating, scary and fun! Where did you do this exactly?

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun
    I like the introduction especially.
