Friday, March 28, 2014

29/31 Skiing Survival Pt 3


The helicopter came about an hour later. The helicopter driver thought that it would help if I came in the helicopter help search. I peeked out of the window but I couldn’t see anything, it was a crazy blizzard at this time. The driver turned the helicopter around. We waited for the blizzard to go away. The next day the blizzard was over.  This time we went up and we were flying around looking for them. After about two hours of looking we found three of the five missing people in our group
We were confused but then I remembered that we split up into three groups. We went back to the valley and waited out there for a little longer thinking about where they could have gone. Then the rescue got a call saying there was a call from the other valley over, and it was the other two in the group! We went over to the other valley and picked them up later then everybody got back to the valley. All of the other five got a some of frost bite. Three got a minor type of frost bite and the other two lost some of their fingers from frost bite. 
During this event I learned a couple things about survival. You should always know everybody that is in your group, because if I had known everybody in the group, then it would have led to fewer arguments. We also wouldn’t want to split up because we are friends. I also realized that I should go back country skiing with less people because with smaller groups its easer to make decisions.  To this day I still love to ski.

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