Friday, March 28, 2014

28/31 Skiing Survival Pt 2

Go check out the first one!
The night was really rough; the snow just kept beaming me. No one was sleeping  at this time. The night couldn’t go any slower; if I could sleep the time would fly by. I barely bared the rest of the night and the blizzard. Finally the sun pops right in front of my view and we got up, in the sun. When I got up everybody started arguing in which direction to go to get to our cars. They didn’t know what they were doing they thought that they were going the right direction. I thought that it was obvious the right direction was where I was going. Me and my girlfriend had the best sense of direction in the group, but since they didn’t know me very well they didn’t know I had a good sense of direction.
Me and my girlfriend knew we were going in the right direction because we both had a great sense of direction. It was the right direction because I remember going through all of the runs that we did and it all lead to us going in this direction. We put on our skins for our skis (skins make it so you can hike with your skis on) and started hiking down. We reached an obstacle, it was the aftermath of around eleven avalanches. I stared forward, looking at what could be a room full of chair sized chunks of ice from the avalanches. I knew that it would destroy my skis . We started over the disaster that had happened over night I could hear the ice scratching the bottom of my skis through the skins. Finally we got to end of the ice chunks.

We were almost there. I could feel it and I peeked right over the ridge and I saw a downslope leading to the valley and my car! The avalanche had slid a couple meters from my car right where the exit was so trapped me from getting out of the small mountain town. I saw a lady walking over towards me, she came to me and asked if me and my girlfriend were part of skiing group that went up back country my answer was yes but we spit up in different directions a while ago. She called a rescue group for the rest of our group. During the time that while I was waiting for the helicopter the lady that talked to me let me stay in her house while we were waiting for helicopter.

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